All TechniTrader reviews, comments, and testimonials are not necessarily representative of the experience of all Students; they do not suggest a guarantee of future performance or success, which has to do ultimately with the individual’s comprehension of the training and discipline in trading practice.

Methodology Essentials Course, Investment & Retirement Course, Options Course, Position Course, Swing Course, DGMC Course, Indicators Study, Student Subscriptions, Staff Support, Student Support, Webinars & Seminars, Blogs & Radio Shows



Martha Stokes CMT, CEO, Co-Founder of TechniTrader

Hi Martha,

            I recently finished your Relational Technical Analysis Course [included with the Elite Methodology Essentials]. Being an experienced options trader I found it to be very useful as it gives me a better understanding of the markets and who is in charge. Using my Indicators with your Hybrid indicators allows me to get into and exit a trade much earlier, which is very important as a swing trader. Using your Scans has been very useful. I paid for the course on my first trade using your scans. I believe this is a must course for any type of Investor. I Plan to continue with your courses in the future.

- Richard P. (February 2023)

I just wanted to celebrate a big win with you!

My trade record for the month of January is around 75% success with a 50% gain of my swing trading portfolio!

My goal is to have a 100% portfolio profit in one year. Just in this month alone, I met 5 months worth of swing trading goals! I'm so stoked.

Thank you so much for your continued guidance. I wouldn't be able to do this without you and Martha.

Please send her my deepest of thank you's for me.

Warm regards,

Chi T. (January 2023)

Good Morning Mel, 

I want to thank you and the entire TT Organization. Please pass onto Martha, that I am Very Grateful for her compassion to share her wealth of knowledge. You can tell by the training she offers that her heart is truly for helping others succeed. Thank you Martha for sharing your hard earned education with others.


– Cory M.


Hey Mel,

Can you pass on my “Happy Ringing the NYSE Bell Day” to Martha. I was thinking about checking out her thesis again from the CMT website for something to read. I checked it out from their library about 4 years ago when I was doing Level 1 and was blown away. It was a nice reinforcement to the course work.

I now understand why she is the leading Cycle Theorist in the industry.

Anyway that thought and my admiration for her work made me research her online, and I saw she rang the bell on May 11th.

Wanted to let her know I was thinking about her, and thought a congrats was due!

– James J.


I am writing to let you know that I have finished ALL of your courses! It has been an amazing learning experience and I will do all the courses again to refresh. I am looking forward to the turbulent market ahead and what to look for. Thank you for all you do! TechniTrader is a wonderful company and I am so happy I found you.


– Steve S.


Martha’s entire approach is very logical and she is obviously a very brilliant woman! She lays a real foundation with Market Condition and goes from there. I have two post-graduate degrees in engineering, and her course is on that level. The entire course was an eye-opener!

– Peter K.


Thank you so much for all your hard work on the virtual class, “Within the Eye of the Storm: Emerging Displacement Technologies for Investors.”

I can tell you spent two years preparing for it. I was truly blown away by all of the valuable information. Plus you practically give it away. You could charge ten times what you do and it would still be worth it.

Martha, you are such a blessing to me and I’m sure lots of others, I appreciate everything you provide.

– Eileen G.


Martha, you are so right!

I wish I had gotten here 17-18 years ago! I knew of some of your work through Worden Bros, but for some reason never found this material. Too bad!

– Ernest A.


(Words of wisdom from Daily Market Educator DME 004667, for Thursday 061418)

“Instead of learning about the stock market, they are 'entitlement investors' believing that the market 'owes them the best stocks to buy recommendations.' Until the common folks realize they can’t trust anyone with their money, this will continue. There are plenty of excellent resources for investors but they refuse to do the work. TechniTrader has the BEST Investment and Retirement Course ever created. It is a comprehensive, in-depth course that covers every aspect of investing for retirement. Will the average person invest the time? AAII investors won’t. IBD investors won’t. Warren Buffett Fans won’t. You see why I am not sympathetic. They want to get wealthy without any effort on their part. The real world doesn’t work that way. Nothing worth having is free.

I talk endlessly about this on my radio shows and it falls on deaf ears. The average person could care less about the stock market, learning, and taking control of their lives. Only you and a minority of others come and work, invest in your education, and become successful through my efforts.”



YES, I do see what’s happening thanks to you and your reports. I would hate to be so uninformed and trying to trade the stock market by info. provided by the TV and internet news, talk about confusion!!!

I’m very thankful for your dedication to your students. You don’t make statements without actual knowledge of what you are saying.


– Tony R.


By the way I just started reading the Sector and Industry Report. Martha this is a huge undertaking and your work is sincerely appreciated. Having been a Financial Analyst in a former life, I have some idea of the hours you have put into this piece. Thx. again.

– Lorne I.


I really want to validate Martha for all the incredible job she has been doing and I really love her and Howard for transmitting their knowledge to us. I also really love that all those courses were created out of a purpose to educate and forward true knowledge and experience.

Thank you so much Martha and Howard.

– Patricia D.



You truly are a seasoned, experienced Gifted teacher. Students hear what they want to hear. Thank you for your patience with all the comments you receive, I can imagine what some of them are. Anyway I appreciate ALL you do and look forward to many years of being your student. Your talent is like finding a needle in a haystack, so I’m in for the long haul.


– Tony R.

Methodology Essentials Standard, Premier & Elite Courses

You all have really changed the trajectory of my and my family's lives!

I am so blessed to be a TechniTrader student!

- Chi T. (July 2024)

Excellent quality training - Very thankful I found TechniTrader.  The quality and depth of the training is unmatched.  I feel like I have a solid foundation to grow from.  Knowing I have ongoing support gives me the confidence to push myself further.  Overall, my experience has been outstanding.  I can't wait for the coming weeks, months, and years of trading.

- Greg W. (March 2024)

This course has provided everything I sought to find to this point, well done.  Looking forward to the work ahead! 

Thanks once more,


PS- Mrs. Stokes and Mr. Johnson, you're wonderful! Thank you for offering this education.

- Adam M. (Dec 2023)

I have tried several other basic stock courses but they were not very user friendly for me so I did not get much out of them.  I took Charles Payne's Options course which gave me enough information to get myself into trouble without fully understanding the basics.  Had I have known about TechniTrader beforehand, I would have started there.

- Teresa F. (Oct 2023)

This course was much more than what I expected. Well explained, and very good charting examples. Definitely a good reference and review source. Very Good Content. I wish I had known about Techni Trader when I first started looking for educational sources. Thus far, this course has answered so many questions that I had. There is nothing worse than being fed BAD Outdated Information. Definitely a 5 star review by me. I wish I had known about this course several years ago.

- Janice P. (Oct 2023)

Hey Ms. Mele, I want to say thank you. My name is Anthony S. Not sure if you remember me. I finally harness my skills. It's been 3 years since I've been in the market and finally for 4 months it's been consistent with wins. Making an average of $350-$570 a day only trading 5 times a week.

I swing trade, but mostly day trade, I am a IPO TRADER/BIO TECH TRADING. I have learned so much. Just had to thank you and MRS MARTHA.

- Anthony S. (April 2023)

Hi Tammy,

Many thanks and have a nice weekend to you too.

I love the Elite course, it very professional and full of very valid info, kindly share this with Martha.


– Claudio C.


Prior to doing TechniTrader’s course I almost gave up on trading and just started investing in mutual funds, but I knew other people were making more than average returns from the stock market and if they could do it then I could too. Well, the reason I keep buying TechniTrader courses is because with every one I purchase my skills improve.

I have paid off my courses just from the gains that I’ve made in the market, so essentially they’ve cost me nothing.

– Daniel F.


Hi Martha,

I am a newbie in this program. I have to comment that both the breadth and depth of information you make available in this program offers a level of thoroughness well beyond what I was expecting. In fact, the sheer quantity of information is a little overwhelming at times. Thank goodness you provide such a responsive support team to help with my many questions! As I’m sure you are aware, there are many other companies offering training programs and courses for would-be investors. I made a leap of faith to select yours and I’m really glad I did.

Another point that bears mentioning is your sales process for handling people who have expressed interest in the program. Nathan who was my contact at TechniTrader, treated me like a fellow human being looking for answers rather than a number in a sales funnel. That definitely had an influence on my decision to select TechniTrader.

Well done!


– Michael D.


TERRIFIC course! First, I want to say how impressed I am with the quality of this education that Martha and Howard have put together. They are so detailed and explicit in their presentations, there is so much substance and context, and I am SO grateful that I accidentally discovered her when I was desperately trying to research some trading concepts on the Internet.

I have wanted to learn to trade for a very long time but never was able to find the quality of education or training until now. They certainly have named it appropriately because I think it truly IS the “gold standard in stock market education.”

I think I will be a student of theirs for a very long time!

Kind regards,

– Joy V.


I recently also purchased the Relational Technical Analysis Course and am having so much fun studying the course while applying it to the charts! Such a great investment!


– Jeremy S.


Hi Mel,

I have been speaking of Martha’s excellence and definitely wanted to thank Howard. I know that you get many emails of thanks with grateful hearts however I am sending mine as well. A friend of mine introduced me to trading and God only knows how I have been in prayer concerning a career change. And I believe that this is my answer. I have a very grateful mindset for TT and so choose to type my expression of gratitude.

I have been studying a few months of TT education via webinars, TT website and live radio via Martha. In preparation for the ME10 course. I am so grateful! This is exactly where I need to begin my journey.

A good shout out for Tammy. She was very patient with me, created some options to choose from and help direct the path forward.

I have built some notebooks to correspond with the course, have organized numerous tabs and begun studying the Walk Around the Market and am having a blast. As have I spoken before I could possibly send a thank you email each and every day. But I am practicing myself discipline.

Here is a tid bit of humor…Tell Martha I am learning my “A B C’s” and beginning to not only put words together but slowly building sentences. 🙂

Thank you Martha and Howard for believing that a beginner could learn with a proper education. And that is me!

Thank you Mel for your correspondence.



– Ralph R. S.


TechniTrader Team,

Thank you all. I have traded stocks for the last 10+/- years with some limited success. As I look back, my limited success was luck or good fortune. However, I was not able to trade with consistency, and capital seemed to keep slipping away. Up until when I purchased the ME10 course, I would have considered myself an intermediate trader with limited experience in stock trading and options.

As soon, as I completed the walk around the market primer and began the ME 10 Premier training I realized that my previous training and stock selection was like throwing darts blindfolded. I was following entry and exit signals from retail gurus without indicators for confirmation. I did not know why the stock direction changed just as I entered a trade.

I suspended my live trading and committed to completing TechniTrader training before I resumed stock trading or option trading live. I have kept that promise to myself.

I am happy to share that I have just completed what I would consider a one – two – three (ME10 – RTA -Options) punch in stock/options training.

As I complete my simulator training and transition back to live trading, my anticipation grows for the potential profits that await. I primarily will be a Position Trader with Swing Trading as I transition to retirement and market conditions warrant.

Once again, Thank you.

– Bruce L.


TechniTrader offers the best stock trading and investing courses anywhere on the market.

– David S.


The RTA course certainly helped with support and resistance along with understanding the hybrid indicators. I use TC2000 as my charting software. Taking the RTA course helped to understand and feel more knowledgeable about Balance of Power (aka Dark Pools), Money Stream and Time Segmented Volume. Understanding the different market participants, Dark Pools, HFT’s, Pro-Traders, and the lonely retail traders.

Thank you.

– Bruce L.


I cannot begin to tell you how much I like the course. I really should have taken this course 10 years ago. But there was so much more that I didn’t know I needed to know. If that makes sense. I have lots of students at college who say the same thing. You don’t know, what you don’t know. Since you don’t know you don’t go and find the information.

The section on Stop Losses was very helpful. I am even rewriting my stock tracking spreadsheet to work with actual amounts rather than percentages. That makes a lot of sense.

– Eric T.


Before my hiatus, I focused on some long term and intermediate term stocks using the methods TechniTrader had drilled into us. As a result $7,000 in my TFA (Tax Free Savings Account) grew to $14,000 by mid 2016 after taking more than $9,000 out to manage some household upgrades. Looking at everything, my stocks at the time were not as strong as they were in the years past so I pulled out everything. I had no stocks March, April and part of May. My watchlists were building and started showing some potential candidates to follow through on. After taking $10,000 out, I am still over $25,000 that I am working with.

None of this would have happened without your practical approach and drilling the fundamentals for that more solid foundation. I’m not sure I am getting 70% but I am close.

I just want to say thank you,

– Rob K.


I purchased and absorbed the Relational Technical Analysis course and I have to say that it is by far the best course and educational stream that I have every come across in the investment industry.

As a discretionary Portfolio Manager, I have been making far better trades and decisions on behalf of my clients for position and longer term trades. The returns this year to date have been amazingly high. As well, I like to swing and position trade my own accounts and the results have been truly amazing which I attribute to your educational material.

When I combine the TC2000 scans, my development of spatial pattern recognition and the understanding of who is in control of the price, it makes for really enjoyable and very profitable trading. I’m getting to a point where I see the proper conditions and just place the BSLO and SSLO orders on the best looking trades without even thinking. The percentage win rate is climbing quite high and the accounts are all growing nicely.

Almost doesn’t seem fair to know who is controlling price, but sure is rewarding!

Thanks for all of the great work.

– Ed B.


The Relational Technical Analysis course is fantastic in that it gets you to focus on “Who’s controlling price.” Students, me included, hear those words in the ME course, hear those words in the mentoring sessions but the Relational Technical Analysis really gives meaning to those words.

I like Martha’s comment – which goes something like this – Stop just looking for buy signals and confirmations and understand what is going on in the chart; who’s controlling price? What is expected to happen next?

– Tyrone P.



I just completed the Relational Technical Analysis course.

Please send the tools for TC2000.

The course was excellent! I am much more confident in reading stock charts and identifying who’s buying and where the stock is likely to go in the short term. It was worth every penny. I’m anxious to start paper trading.

Thank you!

-Eileen G.


Hi Martha and Mel,

Charles and I plan to finish the Relational Analysis Course tomorrow. It has been an excellent review for us! And the information that was new for us was some that we badly needed. I believe it is the best course yet!

Could you please send up the charting tools for this course? We both have TC2000.

Thank you.

-Linda G.


This Course, (like all the other TT Courses I’ve invested in) was Excellent!

Dr. Wayne Dyer was a favorite author and philosopher of mine and he wrote…” When You Change The Way You Look at Things… The Things You Look At Change.” The RTA (TechniTrader Methodology Essentials Elite) Course was exactly that. Not only was it a wonderful refresher; it put all the rest into a clearer perspective for me, and more importantly, it’s given me a more complete process for analysis, and greater confidence in my stock pics. I specially appreciated the abundance of current examples that Martha presented throughout. It’s very clear to me now, that understanding “The Market Participants” at play; their interactions, and knowing “Who Is In Control” at any one moment, is the key to a Technical Analyst’s consistant success.

Thank you for your ongoing guidance and mentor-ship.

– David S.


Dear TechniTrader,

I want to congratulate you on another exceptional course.

Best wishes

– Jan B.


All of you deserve a big pat on the back for such a well presented and innovative TechniTrader Methodology Essentials Elite course. I found it easy to follow and full of information that helped answer a lot of questions. Looking forward to improving my success and reviewing the course again for practice.

Well done!

– Bob R.



Thanks for the (TechniTrader Relational Technical Analysis – Elite Course) enlightening course and the additional scans, etc.

Great job – makes my membership.


– Joel B. III



The (TechniTrader Relational Technical Analysis – Elite) course was not only a great refresher, it helped make things so much clearer when looking at charts from the Relational Analysis perspective.

Seeing it from the dominant Market Participant (Group) at the time is very insightful.

– Alan S.


Good Morning,

Wow, I have never learned so much so fast. This course (TechniTrader Methodology Essentials Standard Course) is like taking a drink from a fire hose !!!

Especially yesterday’s Daily Market Educator (Student Support Publication). I cannot believe how little I know.

You guys (TechniTrader Staff) are wonderful. I would like to give all of you a very big hug.

Again, a thousand Thank You’s.

– Allen J.


I started the (TechniTrader Methodology Essentials Standard Course) ME10 about 10 days ago, and wanted to let you know how empowered I feel by the content. I have been active in trading for about 2 years, and that experience makes this much more understandable. I have rocked through the Technical Analysis sections, and will probably make my way through Fundamental Analysis this weekend. In other words, I am excited!

So glad to have found you (TechniTrader). One of your students is a powerful advocate of Martha on a trading site to which I subscribe, and I have read her (Martha Stokes CMT) blogs but until I thought to myself, “I am just not getting any more reliable in my results,” I wasn’t ready for the real training.

– Cathy H.


Hi Mele,

Thanks for the clarifications as your answers are very helpful.

Again, I have really enjoyed the (TechniTrader Methodology Essentials Standard Course) ME 10 course and all of the TechniTrader material.

Your material was the missing piece of the puzzle that I needed for my trading plan/system. My trading is tighter and much more profitable now thanks to you guys.

Also the TC2000 (charting software) is really a nice, robust system and I don’t know how I ever got along without it.

Warmest Regards,

– Ed B.



My granddaughter asked me if I could tell her about the stock market! Her boyfriend likes stocks, whatever that means at this age. With what I have done in the past and learned so far with the (Methodology Essentials Standard Course) ME course, I’m going to share with her my story of how I got interested in stocks but really didn’t know what was going on.

I’m sure glad I enrolled in this course, and plan to be with you for a long time. This next week the other grand kids will be joining us and will be sitting in our conversation.

Thanks for taking this task of educating on. It has been an eye opener! And I’m enjoying it immensely.

– Curt H.


Dear Cheryl,

Today I’ve received the Certificate of Completion from TechniTrader. Thank you very much for it. It was quite exciting moment when I opened the TechniTrader envelope this afternoon.

My goal was to increase my knowledge about the markets, particularly about the Stock Market. The (Methodology Essentials Standard Course) ME10 course broadened my knowledge about the Stock Market very much. It did a very good job. Thank you.

Best regards,

Jaroslaw M.


After reading the Daily Market Educator under heading Common Mistakes, I am compelled to share “the other side of the story” about learning from your mistakes. To Martha, Howard, Mele and other staff members at TechniTrader. This TechniTrader (Methodology Essentials Standard Course) course has helped me in ways that are hard to measure, so I will try my best to communicate how much I appreciate the training/education that I have received.

Prior to becoming a Student at TechniTrader, my stock market mistakes were serious and monetary losses were far greater than any meager earnings. 

The (Methodology Essentials Standard Course) ME10 Course and the continued education with TechniTrader has been eye opening. There were multiple areas of trading I desired to understand as well as how to study candlesticks, different chart patterns, and the crucial indicators that were necessary to use. It has been enjoyable adding to my knowledge base, building upon it, and expanding it. As I do, I become a better trader with better results.

I chose Swing Trading as my specialty; my personal results in the stock market have yielded nice net gains with the last 10 of my 11 trades thus far this year closing successfully. I’m comfortable whether I go long or go short, and I trust completely what I have been taught and continue to learn through the educational experience I still enjoy. One of the greatest lessons I have learned to value is the virtue of patience. Yes lessons in patience, practice, adaptability… just to name a few things along with all the technical education.

So thank you, especially to Martha and Howard, for sharing your expertise and vast knowledge with us. I’m not frustrated anymore when it comes to market decisions as I was a couple of years ago, I’m just very grateful for the proper and kind instruction.

Most sincerely,

– Laurie V.P.


This (Methodology Essentials Standard Course) is without a doubt the best educational course I have taken on trading. It has been organized so well and easy to follow.

– Curt H.


I want to thank you for the wonderful training you have given me. While I paid (and am still paying) a significant amount for it, the results have shown it is well worth it – in fact, a bargain. I have been actively trading for about 4 months now and just made my most significant gain yet. It was a DOOZIE! I realize, as you have oft repeated, it is not the stock or my move, but the market and timing. In addition, by following your training, I have had very few losses and those have been very minimal. A lot of my friends are so afraid of the stock market – they simply don’t understand it. And of course, I tell them about your training.

This particular stock was on one of my watchlists and the day before earnings release, I bought 500 shares with the simulator. The next day it gapped up significantly. I still saw potential after the gap and bought 200 shares with one of my retirement accounts. Today, after only a few days of being in the trade, I sold SAM making 14 plus points on a fairly pricey (to me) stock. I decided to stay in on the simulator and set my stops for swing style and will see where it rides (If I were to sell today I would have realized 27 points in a week!). We’ll see where this thing goes. But, now to look for other similar opportunities. They are there. I just need to find them and patiently wait for the right time.

Again, thank you so much for the GREAT education – from someone who knew practically nothing about the stock market 8 months ago before I signed up for the ME10 Course! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

All the best,

– Mike N.


Thank You Martha! I could not have done it without you and your team’s guidance. Mele has been a great source of support and help as well!

At first I did not believe having a 75% success rate was possible, however if you stick to it and go back and study and re-study and really apply yourself you can come out on the other side! I’ll be taking the options course next, just so I can mix them in to my trading when the market condition allows.

Having taken other courses and subscriptions before coming to TechniTrader, I do believe your depth of knowledge and understanding is unparalleled. The best part for me is to finally have some solid understanding of what is happening and why instead of feeling dumb founded and overwhelmed and confused. I have not found that anywhere else.

– Pomy B.


My trading is going great. Your course was really really helpful, I am very happy I’ve taken it! I’ve been trading for about 4-6 months now and I’ve been quite successful. I am very careful with stocks I pick, and by placing stop loss orders I managed to prevent major losses. I really appreciate your scans; they helped me to find some very good picks! I’ve already doubled my original investment! I am very happy.

-Gabriela J.


This course is wonderful. It has dispelled confusion and made the fundamentals clear, logical and doable. This course is couched in common sense. I knew this information had to exist somewhere! But after 5 years with my other education company, I’ve yet to hear mention of this essential foundation knowledge.

Thank you.

– Rick S.


I’d like to inform you that I recently had my first two successful trades. These are my first trades since I took the course. I made a 30% or 10 point gain on the first with BNS, and a 20% or 6 point gain on the second with TCK.B. I was stopped out of my second trade and I learnt a lot from those two trades. I can’t tell you how many trades that would have went the wrong way if I hadn’t practiced the control entry method. Thanks you for your guidance.

– Paul T.


I was frustrated for 15 months and a broken newbie until I became a TechniTrader student since the end of April 2013. I am thrilled and thankful that my friend referred me to Martha after he himself has achieved an annual return of +35% as a newbie 2 years ago. I have now completed numerous courses and my level of knowledge and skills has improved drastically. My account has stopped bleeding and now is growing with consistency.

I am extremely excited!!! I strongly recommend anyone who wants to trade successfully must start with Martha. She is the only person who can give us the full spectrum of knowledge in the most learnable, simplest form, yet highly detailed and insightful like no one else…

Great thanks to Martha and Howard and the great support team of TechniTrader for helping me to achieve my goal!!!!!!

– Monique C.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful response to my email. I couldn’t agree with your perspective more. The way you put it could possibly revolutionize the way I do business. Marketing experts are stressing to me that we need to be distinctive in the marketplace. This approach could work. Thank you for putting together a series of courses that allows us to progress. I have been shocked that in this industry we (Financial Planners) have to seek out where to find the correct knowledge or follow the pack. It is refreshing to not have to get a bunch of info and then figure out by trial and error if it was accurate. I will continue to refer you to my colleagues and hope they take the advice.

Again, I appreciate your time, I know it is valuable.

– David C.


I am so appreciative of TechniTrader with Martha and Howard’s incredibly organized and thorough approach. For the last year I have been gathering information and self-teaching which is as dangerous as self-medicating. I was at the point that the more I learned, the more confused I was becoming. I created my own charts with a dozens of indicators (in beautiful colors I must add) and would just stare blankly at them. It was just by fluke that a new search engine appeared on my windows live account “Bing” and ping, your site popped up. It really scares me to think how naive and ill-equipped I was and that I most certainly would have had some nasty lessons.

Thanks so much for all your help in getting me on track.

Best Regards,

– Gillian C.


You know what was such a good feeling? While I was listening to the questions at the webinar, I realized how much more I know about market conditions and certain indicators, compared to many others that were listening in. Really important stuff too! I know I am still a baby at all this, but it was a real confidence booster! I feel so blessed to be a TechniTrader student. I’m so glad I didn’t go with another company and learn “average” information.

– Joy D


I want to thank you for the wonderful training you have given me. While I paid (and am still paying) a significant amount for it, the results have shown it is well worth it – in fact, a bargain. I have been actively trading for about 4 months now and just made my most significant gain yet. It was a DOOZIE! I realize, as you have oft repeated, it is not the stock or my move, but the market and timing. In addition, by following your training, I have had very few losses and those have been very minimal. A lot of my friends are so afraid of the stock market – they simply don’t understand it. And of course, I tell them about your training.

This particular stock was on one of my watchlists and the day before earnings release, I bought 500 shares with the simulator. The next day it gapped up significantly. I still saw potential after the gap and bought 200 shares with one of my retirement accounts. Today, after only a few days of being in the trade, I sold SAM making 14 plus points on a fairly pricey (to me) stock. I decided to stay in on the simulator and set my stops for swing style and will see where it rides (If I were to sell today I would have realized 27 points in a week!). We’ll see where this thing goes. But, now to look for other similar opportunities. They are there. I just need to find them and patiently wait for the right time.

Again, thank you so much for the GREAT education – from someone who knew practically nothing about the stock market 8 months ago before I signed up for the ME10 Course! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

All the best,

– Mike N.

Thank You Martha! I could not have done it without you and your team’s guidance. Mele has been a great source of support and help as well!

At first I did not believe having a 75% success rate was possible, however if you stick to it and go back and study and re-study and really apply yourself you can come out on the other side! I’ll be taking the options course next, just so I can mix them in to my trading when the market condition allows.

Having taken other courses and subscriptions before coming to TechniTrader, I do believe your depth of knowledge and understanding is unparalleled. The best part for me is to finally have some solid understanding of what is happening and why instead of feeling dumbfounded and overwhelmed and confused. I have not found that anywhere else.

– Pomy B.

Investment & Retirement Course

The course EVERYONE should take...

Hiding in plain sight, Investments & Retirement provides a wealth of context that allows you to navigate the financial markets more surely. In this regard, it is a Methodology Essentials 102 course. Average professionals will often have more of their investment capital in their 401k than anywhere else and it only makes sense to learn how to manage these and other long term investments to gain the most of them. 

By grasping the stock market in its broadest scope, the investor can then use the context to hone in on short term styles of trading with a clearer picture of the guideposts overall.

- Brendan B. (Oct 2023)


The lesson to be learned is to stick with positive guidance. Ambiguous guidance can nonetheless lead to not only continued rise, but substantial rises. 
I love this course!! Amazing! Of course, I have a better appreciation after several years of indoctrination !

– Gordon


Good afternoon,

Just wanted to let you know that I have completed Investment / Retirement Course. Have to say that I thought this was one of the better ones I’ve taken….got a lot out of it and really hope / trust / expect that I will be able to put it to good use.

There is a lot of information and while I am comfortable with the material it does seem a bit daunting putting it all together and making it work…the theory is great. Just feel shaky about the implementation.

Meantime look forward to seeing the templates and any comments that you have or suggestions along the way. I am still using TC2000 as my charting software.

Many thanks,

– Ian MacP.


Methodology Essentials Options Edition

The Options Trading course cleared up a lot of misconceptions for me. I learned there is no need to fear Long Calls or Long Puts because the same technical analysis we learned in ME10 is still relevant. I also learned to stop gambling by buying way out of the money options.

Second biggest learning was there is no need for the other fancy option plays and by the way I have tried most of them: Long Call Spread, Long Put Spread, Iron Condor, Calendar, Diagonals, Credit Spreads and repairing trades. The commissions add up too.

There are many who have done well with fancy spreads and repairing trades. I’m happy with the simple long call and long puts now that I have completed the Trading Options course.

– Tyrone P.


I have finally completed the (TechniTrader Options Trading: Complete Methodology for Options) course. Please send me the settings and calculator. I subscribe to TC2000, so assume you will provide settings in a Club.

The new Options course was an improvement of the previous Options Essentials 20 Course, and was much “fresher” and better produced. I enjoyed the course!


– Philip F.


Hi All,

Can you send me the (TechniTrader Options Course) Calculator and the Tools? 
The course was very helpful for my Options Trading.

Thanks for the great courses.

Warmest Regards,

– Edward B.


I thought you might like to know that in the past I have spent a fortune and a great deal of time trying to get a grasp on options and always felt like I was still swimming around in the dark. But this course has made complete sense to me and all the missing links and questions have been answered. There is so much “hype” around options, and as a novice you don’t know who to believe and you find yourself spending a lot of money only to end up more confused. Martha and Howard have put everything into a solid perspective and have given me a solid foundation where I can practice and improve, knowing that I am on the right track. In the end I learnt the “Greeks” but am so relieved to learn it is an imperfect science and it is the tactical approach that brings all the success. So many thanks to Martha and Howard and all the team. You have certainly taken out all that frustrating mystery in learning how to trade options wisely.

Best wishes,

– Kaaren W.


Methodology Essentials Position Trading Edition


I had been very busy with my work and had not traded in the past couple of years but decided I needed to get invested in something as the money was parked. I had also gotten discouraged in my trading. So I started position trading last summer through the end of the year and into January. I did very well with over 90% success.

I then decided I needed to diversify and started swing trading in August, after I had gotten erratic and discouraged with it about 2 years ago. So, with the eight (8) trades I made during the month and correcting for two simple mistakes one where I clearly set the stop too tight, I would have made 15 points. I only had 2 losses and those were minimal.

I now have about 5 years worth of training and off and on live and simulation trading. I am now at the point where things are clicking and there is an understanding in all of the basic areas of trading.

Thank you for your constant reminders in the DME’s about the basics and your relentless repeating of stuff we should all know by now, but it seems those constant reminders of basic elements keeps us from making big blunders.

Thanks again to you and your staff.

– Mike N.


Dear Martha, 

I am really getting into gear with the ME10 Position trading course. 

I am a “veteran” beginner trader…  Over the last 9 years, I have completely squandered tens of thousands of hard earned money.    I did this by taking every course that came by, and by being in the markets hen I had absolutely no business doing so…  Completely impulsive, undisciplined, etc…  The worst you can imagine.  Only I still have some money left to invest.    I do have a decent 401k Plan at work that is untouchable, thank goodness! 

TechniTrader is really what I have been looking for!   I have used MetaStock for years, so getting up to speed with the scans, etc., has been painless and fast as can be. What I see unfolding before me is a highly structured, systematic, very-well-thought-out method that can be very easily translated into a customizable investing/trading plan.  The whole thing is brilliant, the calculators, forms, software (scans, indicators), all of it.   

I am so tired of trying to figure it out by myself (inventing my own indicators, trying to cobble together my own systems, etc., trying to figure out who I can trust, etc.). I know I am 100% responsible for what I do and what I have done, but I do feel like I am not completely alone, and that these tools are truly fantastic.  

The customer support, coursework, website, instructional materials, etc., are the best I have seen.  I have to admit I was skeptical coming into TechniTrader, but know now that this is the smartest thing I have done in a very long time.   I no longer can afford to be ‘shooting from the hip’ (impatient, impulsive trading, not being disciplined, trying to get rich quick, etc.) so have to proceed with great caution.  I know I am finally in the right place. 

I cannot thank you and your staff enough for putting all of this together. 

I am very confident I will be consistently successful as a result!  

Most Sincerely, 

– James K. 

Houston, TX 


Hello Martha:

Just a quick note to say hello and let you know I’ve completed the TechniTrader Methodology Study Course & How to Position Trade.

My husband and I took the courses together. We have our own office space, computers, my track account and all necessary online trading tools. We bounced information and questions off each other which really helped us clear up a lot of questions.

Also, my brother, who completed the course approx 4 years ago, started trading, making money and decided to retire early convinced me that this was something I wanted to be a part of.

My brother has been our own personal trading instructor. We scheduled every Wednesday for web conferences and he made himself available for guidance and questions. His help has kept us focused and on the right path, avoiding a lot of pitfalls and mistakes. Keeping us focused is what he did best.

As I continue to practice, I’ve decided that I am both a position trader, studying fundamentals over the weekend and selecting stocks for my watch list by Sunday night and swing trading through the week looking for buy signals for next day orders. It seems to be working. I currently have 4 practice position trades in the money which I do weekly maintenance and search for swings through the week.

Thanks so much for the training. The video’s, booklets, worksheets and customer service is all set up for an excellent learning experience.

Trading wisely!

– Olivia M.


Dear Martha, Howard, and the rest of the awesome TechniTrader Team,

Thank you so much for the incredible and ongoing education you provide. I took the Methodology and Position courses, and paper-traded for about eight months. This past October I went live, and I’m up about $3,300. I’m winning 63% of my trades, and am working to get that percentage to 75%-80%. My dollar gain/loss ratio is about 3:1, which makes me happy. But the main thing is, the money truly is not important. Trading well is everything, and that is what you’ve taught me. Everything I’ve learned in the courses, lab classes, and daily e-mails bears out in the real world of the market. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were all psychic. What you are is smart and generous. I just received the Indicator course, and can’t wait to devour it.

Also, I have to say that having reviewed the Methodology Course 4 or 5 times now, every time I view it I catch something I missed before. Literally. You can’t watch those DVD’s too many times. There is so much in there. My family is now on the get-rich-slowly-but-surely plan thanks to you all, and you’ve done nothing less than handed us the keys to the kingdom of freedom. I can’t thank you enough.

Sincerely yours,

– Sparky M.


Methodology Essentials Swing Trading Edition

I started on the ST [swing trading] course and love it, thank you.  I figured out how to make a Dark Pool watch list, thanks to Martha’s morning report a while back.  After 1:00 I open the Institutional scan and flag all the symbols.  Three hours later I open it again and copy out all the unflagged, new additions to another watch list of Dark Pool activity.  It’s all happening.

In times like this, it’s very fortunate to have knowledge and tools like TechniTrader.  

Thank you.

– Leny F.



I had been very busy with my work and had not traded in the past couple of years but decided I needed to get invested in something as the money was parked. I had also gotten discouraged in my trading. So I started position trading last summer through the end of the year and into January. I did very well with over 90% success.

I then decided I needed to diversify and started swing trading in August, after I had gotten erratic and discouraged with it about 2 years ago. So, with the eight (8) trades I made during the month and correcting for two simple mistakes one where I clearly set the stop too tight, I would have made 15 points. I only had 2 losses and those were minimal.

I now have about 5 years worth of training and off and on live and simulation trading. I am now at the point where things are clicking and there is an understanding in all of the basic areas of trading.

Thank you for your constant reminders in the DME’s about the basics and your relentless repeating of stuff we should all know by now, but it seems those constant reminders of basic elements keeps us from making big blunders.

Thanks again to you and your staff.

– Mike N.


DGMC Course Review

Hi Mele,

I spent the weekend devouring the (TechniTrader Definitive Guide to Market Corrections) DGMC course. The course brought a lot of clarity and confidence in believing what the charts show for the downtrend.

I was one of those who got caught up in the false runs, only to see the run end as a lower low in the downtrend. I think I will probably do better in a market correction than I do with a market uptrend. I’ll know better as I paper trade.

The DGMC (a Selling Short Course) is a great course!

– Tyrone P.


Indicator Study Courses


Thank you for the 2 month access. I have already used this access to answer some basic questions that I had from Lesson 2 instead of bothering you. I would prefer to use your valuable expertise on the more complex issues.

BTW, please thank Martha for re-creating the BOP course for the current market. It is through Martha’s genius that Don Worden’s genius brilliantly shines.

– Merigrace


Hi Mele,

The (Bollinger Bands® Online Indicator Study) course was great, and did help explain why I wasn’t as successful with Bollinger Bands as I could have been.

I have gravitated to the hybrid indicator, with the ChiOsc as primary and the Bollinger Bands as secondary. That indicator allows me to see volume leading price much easier..

Great course and I am glad I took it.


– Tyrone P.

Faculty of TechniTrader:

I have been studying The Definitive Guide to Stock Indicators which arrived a few days ago and I wish to express my appreciation for it. The course was superb and the added touch of providing the DVDs and updated copy of the guide book is once again an example of the unequaled education by TechniTrader. These come to us without additional charge. I’ve got to love you guys.

I can go over and over these lessons until I have them firmly in my mind. From the book and the DVD’s into my mind is the goal. I am doing just that. As far as I know nobody has ever done as comprehensive a job of stock market investment education as you have. I wish I would have had it years ago. I would be in much better shape today.

Thanks a million,

– Jim K.

TechniTrader Subscriptions

You've got a new review by Denis G. on Daily Market Educator

Title: DME is a constant source of valuable information

Comment: I cannot stress enough how happy I am I found TechniTrader. The training you provide is invaluable. If the best investment we can make is in ourselves, I am in the right place here.

Rated 5 out of 5 on 9/4/2022

Good Yes, awesome DME. 

I reserved my capital for these opportunities and did get into a few great entries this day. Thank you Martha + Mele for your wonderful teachings. I am excited for the days, weeks, and months ahead!

– John S.


Martha, You were right on the money

I was reading today that PTON has a new CEO,  an avid user of his Peloton bike,  and that the company plans to eliminate 2800 jobs and cut other capital expenditures this year.

Your analysis and insights are just stellar,  and your help in tell us what the market may do next helps us consider what our next actions might be.

Thanks for all you do.

– Stuart p.

Hi Mele,

I'm naturally seeing and learning what I can of Relational analysis.

The subscription to morning Market reports and daily market reports are a gold mine of market knowledge & wisdom ! A deep learning extension of the ME course.

Thank you,

– Bill P.

Hi Mele – 

Just wanted to relay a GOOD NEWS story re Bitcoin Bubble in 

Prior to enrolling in my first TT course, I had purchased some HUT8 (HUT.TO) – a Bitcoin mining stock here in Alberta, CA. 

Thanks to Martha’s courses and your patient answering of all my questions (and fabulous analysis on RIOT), I was profitable.

On Friday January 8th, with Bitcoin going hyperbolic and hitting over 40k, I decided to get out regardless of what Bitcoin did over the weekend … the ascent was waaaay too steep – it had to retrace in a big way.

I may not have made the same hold and sell choices without the TT teaching. My profit was over $70,000.00 Canadian. I exited almost at the top on Friday and the stock crashed on Monday in response to the over-weekend drop in Bitcoin. Saved by the TT alarm bell!

Hopefully this will make y’all feel proud.

I really appreciate all the effort that is put into the course materials. And, as you have noticed, I study everything in detail (lol).

Please pass this on to Martha so she can share in the success.

– Loran B.


Hi Mele-

… Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your article. You always have such unique clarity in your presentation. Making a technical subject come to life, while at the same dealing with the complexities and nuance of the English language, is no small feat!  … so I  wanted to (again) hit the “like” button, and send some “Mele” fan mail!

– Loran B.



I have to say, you guys are killing it with the DME’s and Market reports!!! Another awesome DME, this time from Martha.

I really am glad that I signed up for those subscriptions. I love when you guys give chart examples as that is very helpful for someone like me, and I have something to reference.

I appreciate all the time and effort you guys spend writing these reports, and I am sure that other students do too.

Thank you for doing that.

Have a nice evening.

– Miroslava R.


Good morning Mel,

You are the best at explaining and illustrating potential stock candidates and how to trade these stocks.

I have learned much from your examples. Thank you so much.

– Avril C.


Hi Mel,

The DME last Friday was outstanding, it was the food that I needed for this market! I don’t know if you ladies get the encouragement that you deserve when you hit the nail on the head, for the direction we need in these never seen before challenges. All the rules have changed for a season and we are encouraged by the strategies, insightfulness, and the overcoming of new challenges that you are up against.

Sometimes those of us that are new get frustrated and forget some basic principles because this market is surging on news, greed, and hyperbole which is temporary and won’t stand the test of time. It is comforting to know that we have good leaders to remind us and show the way, even though sometimes the way has to be a little unconventional to win the battle, the battle being the difference between right and wrong or good and evil. What I say is logical and true and my whole purpose for writing this is to say, I believe with my whole heart that everyone is very appreciative of you and Martha even if they feel that way but don’t say so.

Thank you,

– Steve B.


Hi Mel,

I want to thank you for forwarding my question to Martha regarding the FRB’s role in providing support in the market. 

The explanation was exceptional, and reinforces why I do business with TechniTrader. Have a great weekend!


– Brian O.


Thank you very much Mele!

By the way, thanks for your great write ups in the Daily Market Educator. I learn so much from you and Martha. Wow, what an interesting market right now! I’m hanging tight for now, and waiting for the rollercoaster that is bound to ensue.

Anyway, thank you and have a great day!

– Scott E.


Thank you Martha. We really benefit when you share your insight like this. The big picture descriptions with the candid perspective on the individual participants helps to understand the dynamics of what we are seeing as numbers and charts. Your advice is always appreciated, this one really filled a gap.

– Chris M.



You’re still the best Mele. Every time you give us the details on the basic processes and procedures I learn something new. All the extra key point advice that you include is really appreciated.

– Chris M.


Hi Mele,

Thank you again for a great DME which was instructive, topical, and had some personalized methodology. These resonate with me and probably other students too.

Looking forward to the forthcoming week.

Kind regards,

– David D.



I wanted to say a great thank you for giving more information on how to swing trade this market condition. I apprieciate the insight on how Dark Pools will take longer in this condition to accumulate and some of the buyback explanations. Please keep this type of DME coming with examples on just what is “doable” and what is not. The best part for me was explaining when to sell concerning the futures right up to the open. That has been one of my harder decision making issues during this sideways market.

Thanks for all you do to help us.

– Bob R.



Thanks very much for your work on the numbers you present in your DME’s, PTW’s and others. Wonderful insight into what makes a market!

Not just for the numbers on the population but for the labor force, participation rate and so forth, and so on but with all the topics of concern.

Very informative! Best of all, they are presented in a fashion that is understandable.

– Ernest A.



Your DME’s and morning reports are wonderful. I have not been through a bear, so this is new to me. I appreciate you and all that you do for us, and the vital info you share.

Thank you!!

– Roger M.


I really enjoy Martha (Martha Stokes CMT) talking about the great traders of the world (TechniTrader Daily Market Educator student support publication).

– Bud V.



You (Martha Stokes CMT) are the BEST Teacher in the entire world.

Thanks for that DME (TechniTrader Daily Market Educator student support publication), WOW!!!

– Tony R.


Please send my thanks to Martha (Martha Stokes CMT) for today’s DME (TechniTrader Daily Market Educator student support publication). Her ability to describe the obstacles we all face as traders is spot on.


– Brian O.


By the way just wanted to say that the (TechniTrader Daily Market Educator subscription publication) DME is a work of art, what awesome knowledge.

You guys are incredible!!!

– Tony R


Hi Mele,

Regarding DME (recent TechniTrader Daily Market Educator subscription publication) and many others. This one is only one more example after many before. It has been quite a while ago I’m about to tell you this: Very sincerely congratulations for the excellent analysis you keep doing for the subscriptions. I will be happy if they become more frequent.

Your comments are always concise and at the same time very efficient showing the rationality of your analyses and decisions, allowing us the students to easier understand and frame into the context of the concepts we have been learning.

It is very rare to find profound knowledge together with the ability to communicate it simply and clearly.

I used to call it “make the difficult look easy and clear.” This is the last stage of knowledge for teaching, and as you probably know it is not so common as many people think. Together with TechniTrader “learn by doing” methodology over everyday Stock Market real cases, it is the secret of success and the best we can expect.

At the beginning of my contact with TechniTrader, I think I told my main goal after retiring from a long and very active professional life, was to find something interesting and stimulating to be busy. Three years after I’m happy with my choice, keep on having a lot of fun, and I feel proud to be able to make some money with this my new activity which was not my first goal.

Thank you for that and keep on.

Have a nice day,

– Rui T. C.


I just wanted to say thank you for the (TechniTrader Daily Market Educator subscription publications) DME’s last week, regarding my questions about big down days and the Financial Choice Act.

I found them very informative and helpful, and I’m sure a lot of other students did as well.

– John L.



Thanks for the (Daily Market Educator subscription publication) DME today. I can see how some people would have gotten on your case, especially those who haven’t been with you as long as I have.

I appreciate you summarizing things like you do, after watching and anticipating how things might go and then seeing how they did go, and then what to anticipate next.

I was hoping for a Trading Range (Market Condition) which is what happened rather than a correction. But at this point it really doesn’t matter what happens to the overall market because you have taught me how to read the signs along the way, and to be prepared for the possibilities but not to be able to predict it.

I am also learning to be so much calmer about the trades I am making. It won’t be long before I go live again.

– Mike N.


Hi Mele,

I want to thank you for the excellent (Daily Market Educator subscription publication) DME and (Position Trader’s Weekly subscription publication) PTW. It is so very helpful to see exactly what kind of charts you choose for your watchlist, your analysis, and how you choose entry and stop points.

By studying these charts it really helps reinforce the correct decisions I make, and conversely helps to clarify areas in which I need to go a little deeper in my analysis. Sometimes it is hard to see exactly what you and (Martha Stokes CMT) Martha see when charts are presented without exact numbers, because as Students our analytical skills aren’t as developed.

Although all of the DME’s are very helpful this one was especially so, and I hope to see more like this in the future.


– Dave W.


That was the best (TechniTrader Daily Market Educator subscription publication) DME I ever read.

Thank you,

– Thomas N.


Hi Cheryl!

You are like the Visa ad when they end the presentation with “priceless!”

You are that! Thank you for all your help!

Have a great day!

– Johnny H.


Hi Martha,

Thank you so much for putting together this (TechniTrader Daily Market Educator subscription publication) DME and connected Homework!

These have “FAR REACHING EFFECTS” on my personal knowledge and understanding of the Stock Market and my trading skills. When you come out with these Homework assignments that are concurrent with the real time Live Market Conditions, I get VERY inspired to study and analyze this data until I understand it.

I feel like I’m not missing out on anything I need to know. Mostly I feel like I’m not “Blinded to what is going on in the Background” so I don’t miss out on the current Market Condition Move and WHY it’s happening like it is.

Big Shout Out to YOU “Teach”

– Tony R.


I have been a part of your (Daily Market Educator publication) subscriptions services for a while now, and want to say that while I enjoy them all today’s was superb!

Thank you. Getting some feedback on the rest of the (Methodology Essentials Standard Course ME10 DVDS) tape is so helpful and at least from my perspective …I’m sure I’m not alone…I really appreciate that kind of learning help. I love the markets, fascinating stuff.

Keep it coming 🙂

Kindest regards,

– Ian M.


Thanks (Martha Stokes CMT) for the watch lists in the (Daily Market Educator student support subscription publication) DME today, and all the work going into it. I was happy to see I have some of these on my existing watch lists, and will see which others from the list to add. I am looking for Swing (Trading), Position (Trading), and Selling Short so these will be great.

Have a great evening,

– Paul T.


Hello Mele,

Just a little note to say thanks for the lessons and the daily analysis for my subscription. On my paper trading account for TechniTrader I have been successful on 11 out of 14 trades, 2 trades of which I didn’t even purchase. It has been since August of 2016, when I started that phase of the (TechniTrader Methodology Essentials Standard Course) ME10 course. Although $48,899 realized on only paper, it gives me added confidence to take it live. I also want to thank Martha (Martha Stokes CMT) for her early on bringing up Regional Banks, I researched various ones. I did use my live account to purchase an Regional ETF and did well.

Thank You very much for all your hard work!

– Steve G.


TechniTrader Support Staff Review

Dear Mel,

I want to thank you for your guidance, professionalism, and patience not just for this afternoon’s ended session but also for the previous sessions that you have walked with me during this journey of learning stock trading. Many times, I feel like throwing away the towel. But after going through my challenges with you, I get back on the track charged and motivated to move on.

Such have been moments like:

  • One time I mentioned to you that I felt that at 65 years maybe I am too old to learn a new trade and you encouraged me, that you once had a student who was over 90 years and he was as enthusiastic as ever.
  • Another time I expressed my desperation when I felt like I was making no progress and you told me “… believe me…we all started where you are…” and in my heart I was like “really!!” You are such an encourager and I just appreciate you.
  • Today you opened my eyes by pointing out that I was asking you questions related to Swing Trading, while in my head I have been Position Trading and hence the mix up in my analysis. But the best is that you ended the sentence by encouraging, that I can practice Swing Trading on the simulator since I was already at it.
  • Initially I felt like it was a yo-yo exercise of ups and downs, but it is slowly dawning on me that every time I end a session with you that I come out wiser and better. Many a time it takes you just instilling in me the confidence that I may not have arrived at, but I am on the right track and for this I am so grateful to you.
  • Martha has a passion to see students excel, such commitment. I am so proud to be a TechniTrader Student!!!!
  • As you begin your weekend I also want to encourage you in case you don’t know it, that you are impacting other people’s lives me being on the top of the list, and while our many over-consulting session may be wearing you down they are not in vain. 

Blessings for the weekend, and warm regards, 

– Immaculate N.


Hi Mel,

I was listening to a presentation of an educational company, and listening to his presentation regarding patterns and probabilities and his explanation of how accumulation takes place within a bottoming formation. I am amazed at the difference in the levels of understanding of the mechanics of what’s taking place. I know I’ve mentioned it before but I want to reiterate how your and Martha’s knowledge has given me a newfound feeling of optimism regarding my ability to read a chart. Thanks again.


– Brian O.


I have been a TechniTrader Student for over 10 years, and it was the best decision I have made in my investing and trading education. This is an outstanding company!

Martha and the dedicated staff have always gone over and above every step of the way as I advanced through my training. TechniTrader is truly the Gold Standard in Stock Market Education.

If you are considering starting with the TechniTrader Methodology Course…just do it!

You will not regret it!

– David S.


Just a note to compliment you (TechniTrader Staff) on your service. The package was just delivered to my door, and as stated by you there was no duty owed. When I opened the (TechniTrader Swing Trading) course material, it felt like I was a student who’s teacher wanted total preparation for the learning journey and took care of everything.

Kind Regards,

– Catherine W.B.Sc. 


TechniTrader Student Support

Hi Mele,

Thank you so very, very much for all of your awesome help and time yesterday!  I greatly appreciate it.  

Thank you very much also for all of these help files!  They are very helpful.

– James C.


Good Morning Mel, 

I want to thank you and the entire TT Organization. Please pass onto Martha, that I am Very Grateful for her compassion to share her wealth of knowledge. You can tell by the training she offers that her heart is truly for helping others succeed. Thank you Martha for sharing your hard earned education with others.


– Cory M.


Hi Mel,

Thanks to you and Martha for taking the time to work with us. The effort and feedback is unparalleled in the trading subscription business. At least to my knowledge.

Due to a lot of moving parts on my end, I haven’t been able to share a marked up charting example but I expect that to change.

It is evident that both you and Martha are truly interested in our trading success. I didn’t want that to go unmentioned.

Have a great weekend!


– Brian O.


Hey Mele,

Thanks for your help. By the way the DME from 7/26 on sorting was very helpful. I admit I’m not the most talented in using TC2000 and it forced me to use the Help on it, as well as following how and what parameters to sort from Martha. Please tell her “THANKS.”

You folks put out a great product. I appreciate your hard work to teach me what to look for in the market. I’m 63 and even though I’ve been with ya’ll for a number of years, I’m just now really working hard at perfecting my trading techniques.

Best regards, and be safe and healthy!

– John D.


Thanks Mele,

I also wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your report last week. I find your explanations and writing style extremely clear; not an easy task with the complexity of the subject. Thank you so much for all the extra effort you put in.


– Loran B.


Hi Mel,

Could you please say thank you to Martha Stokes for me for the letter and Certificate of Completion. I’m completely impressed with TechniTrader and everyone that I’ve talked to over there.

Thank you and God bless!

– Steve B.


Thank you so much for sending the sector and industry report! Just in time for my daughter’s second birthday! She (I don’t have her working on charts quite yet) will love it! In all seriousness though, this really is amazing content and I really appreciate it Martha, Mel, Cheryl, Olga, Kevin, and everyone else on the TechniTrader team. I am so grateful I found this place.

– Stephen S.


Thank you Martha! I really appreciate all of your insight and support. The service you and your team provide is nothing short of remarkable and amazing!


– Mike D.


Thank you for the rapid response. I don’t get customer service like this very often.

– Walt W.



Please know that your efforts are extremely appreciated by me. I am very thankful to have you as my teacher. Your knowledge is so valuable and your willingness to extend it to your students is truly a gift. The stock market is a fascinating thing with so much depth and width to it. Your experience is so vast. I just can’t thank you enough for your efforts every day, day in and day out you’re Rock Solid. I personally pray for your health and strength to continue for many years. You are a rare find!!! Thank You for ALL you do.

I’m gaining and building in my ability every day. What an awesome way to prosper!!!

Blessing to you and yours.

– Tony R.



I also wanted to thank you and Mel for your support and kindness, and please tell Martha how grateful I am for having her as a teacher in such a complex, challenging, instigating and subtle field as the Stock Market.

Thanks to her teachings I am doing very well and managed to recover what I lost with the funds in 2009 (thanks to my ignorance at that time).

Thanks again.

All the best,

– Sinibaldo G.


Hi Mel!

This Student Scholar report (TechniTrader student support publication for August) hits home to me, because I’m in the IT space and I am a huge cloud proponent since 2012.

I understand the cloud from the perspective of IT consumption, capability consumption, and how IT is becoming a service and when you look at the capabilities that were once the domain of IT that are now done as a service.

Look at the various capabilities offered as a service. We now have: Online learning, HR, IT, Call Center, Banking, and more.

Once again TechniTrader is providing timely information.

-Tyrone P.



I just want to thank you for taking the time to answer all the questions I have thrown at you the last few weeks. I have been stuck and you have opened up my understanding to some of my stumbling blocks. I know it’s your job but you are helping me so much, and it’s going to have a massive effect on my future. It just means so much to have someone to help when I’m struggling.

I told my wife the other day that I can see why basically all retail traders just never get anywhere because they can never clear any hurdles. I kind of feel sorry for them. Martha has been a fantastic teacher and you have been so awesome in extending your knowledge. Sometimes I feel like a dummy but it’s part of the process.

Appreciate you!

– Roger M.


Hi Mele,

Thank you for your great write up on NVS (in the Daily Market Educator subscription publication). We are so lucky to have you helping us to understand how all the conditions interact, and at the depth that you explain them. You are truly remarkable.

– Chris M.


Hello Mele,

Just a little note to say thanks for the lessons and the daily analysis for my subscription. On my paper trading account for TechniTrader I have been successful on 11 out of 14 trades, 2 trades of which I didn’t even purchase. It has been since August of 2016, when I started that phase of the (TechniTrader Methodology Essentials Standard Course) ME10 course. Although $48,899 realized on only paper, it gives me added confidence to take it live. I also want to thank Martha (Martha Stokes CMT) for her early on bringing up Regional Banks, I researched various ones. I did use my live account to purchase an Regional ETF and did well.

Thank You very much for all your hard work!

– Steve G.


Hope you don’t mind me telling you my course has arrived and the Student Wiki has excellent information. I also read the Market Structure Report. The report was excellent and an eye opener, and helped to address one of many mistakes I have been making.

I’m on the road to becoming a Semi-Professional!


 Tyrone P.


To the entire TechniTrader team,

I would like to take a moment from my hectic schedule and thank all of those people that were literally with me during this entire rocky year. I can tell you it was not pretty out there this year but with your help I was able to keep my head above the water.

Best wishes,

– Misak B.



Today saw a net gain of 7 points. Highest day ever for me. Neat. My stop losses have been adjusted. It is simply NEAT to reap some returns/rewards. Finally!

Thank you for your continued help and guidance. This could be a fun (yet disciplined) way to make some money. Eventually I will venture into the higher price range (as well as added shares), but for now, I am still getting comfortable with this business.

– Harry S.

TechniTrader Webinars & Seminars

Excellent session! I thoroughly enjoy listening to Martha break down stock charts.

It’s the reason I’m a subscriber.

– Brian O.


Thank you Martha, for the honesty that’s considered tough love. We need that, thank you. It’s MOTIVATION TO ME!

 – Anthony S.


A lesson worth taking. Thank you, Martha! Thank you, Mele!

 – Harue I.


Thank you for telling us. It is better to be prepared than not be prepared.

 – Peter H.



 – Mike P.



Thank you so much for your time, thoughts, and this free Student Mentoring Session.

We will get through this together.

 – Juan S.


Thank you, Martha. Appreciate your insight.

God bless you and Mele!

 – David S.


Thanks for your great insight.

 – Joel B. III



I’ve found the most successful method for Forecasting, is to do it frequently. LOL

 – Lorne I.



Great webinar!! Thank you!!

Also, thank you for doing today’s webinar at this time of day. This time is good for us.

 – Charles C.


Appreciate your honesty, and your looking out for us.

THANK YOU, Martha!!

 – Marcy B.



Thank you and your team for the Student Mentoring Webinar this week! To get your analysis and opinion first hand is very reassuring in these difficult times. It’s nice to hear a voice that helps to confirm our thoughts, whether it was the market had moved way beyond fundamentals last year or that yes having over 30 million people laid off will matter regardless of how much the government leans into the market.

Thanks to your teaching. We moved into cash the 3rd quarter of 2019, and are patiently waiting for the right opportunity and conditions to move back into the market with our preferred Position and Long-Term style of trading.

Thanks for all you do!

– Laurie & Brent B.


Martha is the most amazing lady. I can’t thank her enough for what I have learned in the past year.

She has really changed my life with the information. Worth every penny and more. Thank you.

Stay safe,

– Vivien D.


Awesome webinar. Got very deep towards the end.

Thank you.

– Angelo C.



Thank you for your honesty and concern for your Students. You are inspiring, and I appreciate everything you shared with us today.

I also thank Mele and all your staff.

With gratitude,

– Sherlon B.


Excellent as usual. Martha gives great insight in a straight forward and easily understood manner.

Thank you,

– Joel B.III


I just wanted to thank the team at TechniTrader for how impressive the service is. I started with TT not knowing ANYTHING about financial markets, the stock market, and how to even view stocks. I never would have thought that I was capable of learning these things because I felt so intimidated by it.

It has been a slower process for me to learn over the last two years, as in that time I have moved provinces and had a baby. There have been some major life changes that have caused challenges with being consistent in the day to day learning process. That said, Mel has been so helpful and patient to answer my questions. I fight the discouragement and keep on going, and my calls and emails with Mel have always been encouraging and help me see that I’m on the right track.

I very much admire Martha as well, as she comes from such a patriarchal time when she began her journey with the markets. She forged on, fought a lot of kickback I’m sure of those who didn’t believe women were capable of learning such things, and has built a business of encouraging women like me to keep going because as they say, “We can do it” ;).

I really respect and admire Martha’s desire to help her students. I can only imagine that a lot of time and effort was put into this most recent webinar, and you did it for free for your students to help our anxieties and answer our questions. What an honorable thing to do, especially when I’m seeing some people take advantage during this time of crisis. This is a time of vigilance, but even more important a time to be thankful for what I have.

The whole team is so wonderful at TechniTrader, and I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work.

If this message could make it’s way to Mel and Martha, I’d appreciate it.

Stay safe everyone 🙂


– Shannon B.


I just want to say THANK YOU for what you folks do!!! Martha, Howard and the rest of the crew!!!

You saved my 401k and helped me turn what would have been a loss into a tidy little profit!

I do appreciate it beyond words, so please accept my heartfelt THANK YOU!!!!!

– Don K.


I attended the Webinar today. It was fascinating to hear Martha. Amazing how she has the energy, enthusiasm and passion.

– Narendra P.


I took your advice and moved everything from Equities to Money Market Accounts. Even probably got out a few months too early, yet I’ve lost NO savings and sleeping very well! Thank you for teaching me how to invest and manage my investments. TT selling point: The price of everything I have purchased from TechniTrader is less than what I would have lost, if I had listened to my Broker and remained in Equities as he advised.

– Philip F.


Mele, please tell Martha that her student from Japan sends greetings. I have found a purpose too. I really enjoy trading and despite the many falls I have taken. I got up better and stronger. I really enjoy trading.

– Harue I.


Very helpful information.

Thank you!

– Harue I.


My mother thinks I am a genius because of you. Getting her out in time.

– Richard I.

I got out and I owe that to you.

Thank you!

– Jacob K.

A great job for times like these, should help many.

– David W.


Please thank Martha for me. Great stuff!

– Gordon E.


Martha and others, Thank you so much. It was very informative!!

– Charles C.


Thank you for providing this webinar.

– Laurie B.


Thank you so much for all your hard work on the virtual class, “Within the Eye of the Storm: Emerging Displacement Technologies for Investors.”

I can tell you spent two years preparing for it. I was truly blown away by all of the valuable information. Plus you practically give it away. You could charge ten times what you do and it would still be worth it.

Martha, you are such a blessing to me and I’m sure lots of others, I appreciate everything you provide.


– Eileen G.


Please let Martha know that I thought her seminar was the best presentation I’ve ever heard. I was such an eye opener for me and I can’t wait to be able to download the pdf and watch the seminar again. I’m trying to convince my husband that he needs to watch it with me.

Please tell her that it was VERY good and I appreciate all her efforts.

– Kathy C.


I really enjoyed the Virtual training on new displacement technologies and look forward to the study materials.

– Ken G.


Excellent Course!! Thank You.

– Michael G.


Great Webinar.

– Joel B. III


Great, Thanks.

– Cathy G.



– David S.


It was a very good course. Please pass on. 

Appreciate your efforts as well, Mel.

– Rich C.


Outstanding work, Martha! Worth twice the price.

– Ken G.


Great course!!! Thanks for all your insights and the time you put into this.

– Charles C.


Outstanding as usual. One of the reasons I keep my subscriptions.

– Joel B.


Thanks Martha. I thoroughly enjoyed this webinar. Looking forward to my next course.

– Vivien D.


Thank you, this has been very helpful in slowly building skills and confidence.

– Dash P.


I have to say … I am so glad I attended the recent SMS webinar. It gave me insight on a couple positions I had! I day traded the positions to get out the positions and it saved me a nice chunk of change! Thank You!! Martha I am so thankful I found your school online! My loss of work that was so unexpected only to find your school has given me hope! I feel blessed.

Thank You again,

– David V.


Hi Mel,

I had some error with Google Calendar and Time Zones, however I was able to attend after all. It was one of the BEST SMS SESSIONS I”VE ATTENDED and I’m really pumped up about the Sector Course soon to begin. Please pass this on to Martha.

Thank you,

– David S.



Thank you for your analysis of the Oil Industry – incredibly insightful!

Before TechniTrader under another training program, I had made some trades in upstream and downstream companies based on moving averages and a gut feeling about the movement of oil prices. I could discern that a relationship between the companies and the commodity existed, but I never really quite understood why. You really put a spotlight on the subject and provided a textbook understanding, top to bottom and start to end.

It was a very easy decision for my wife and I to become TechniTrader Students based on the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that is evident throughout all of the program offerings. If I have a trade that goes well, I know why. If I have a trade go against me, I know why and more importantly I can actually learn from the experience.

Please extend my appreciation to the rest of the Staff whose contribution to the TechniTrader products, support and services have been nothing short of excellent!

Thank you!

Best regards,

– Tony S.


Articles, Blogs & Radio Shows

I would just like to say thank you to Martha for putting the radio podcast out on Cryptocurrencies, she has set the record straight in my mind.

Kind Regards,

– Vivien D.


Hi Martha,

I found something interesting this morning online. I skim yahoo finance and others once in a while to see what kind of articles are written. I don’t heed anything that any of them say, I have learned to completely ignore them and go with what you have taught. One article did catch my eye, and I thought I would pass it along. Friday you had in the morning report the inflow of money, and this morning I found an article that said 30 billion has been pulled out of the stock market in the last 10 weeks. It had a video along with it with dramatic music and all, almost a fear mongering video, and I really thought about how much you look out for us in the information that you share. Thanks for the truth, that word is hard to find these days. I got to be honest, finding you years ago is the third best thing I have found in my life. Finding the Lord, then my wife, then you are all impacting my life in such tremendous ways. There’s a lot of “fake news” all over these websites too. Thanks for who you are and helping us. What a world of deception out there all over the place.

– Roger M.


I appreciated and enjoyed Martha Stokes’ article, “The Alter Ego of Swing Trading” of the May 2017 issue of Stocks & Commodities. I look forward to more articles from Martha Stokes CMT in the future, perhaps on her approach “Relational Analysis.”


– Charles E.



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